
Where Are the Most Popular Destinations for Biker Lovers?

For motorcycle riders, it is necessary to ride their own motorcycle to finish a challenging and meaning trip. No matter who you are a male or a female, both of you want to ride a motorcycle with lover to go for a romantic journey. So where are the most popular destinations that biker women want to go? If you want to have a memorable travel experience with your biker girl or biker boy, here are some good places for you to choose.

Route 66
Route 66 is called “the mother road”, it was set up in the 1920s, and from Chicago to California, stretching 2400miles, furthermore, it runs through the main artery of the United States. What’s more, this road where Forrest Gump ever ran through in the film. Start to ride from Lllinois Chicago Art Museum, will go through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas,  New Mexico, Arizona and California these seven states. The eastern part is plain, the middle is Gobi and desert, and the west is the mountains. You will encounter so many interesting things and eat delicious cuisine on the way.

California State Route 1
It is also known as the Pacific Coast Highway, is recognized as one of the most beautiful ride routes from all over the world. 655 miles from south to north, the start place is Laguna Beach, and the Mendocino County is the end place. What’s more, this way connects the two largest cities that are Los Angeles and San Francisco, where there are so many humanism landscapes, and the most beautiful coast natural landscape in the world within the surrounding area. Highway 1 is like a silver ribbon to connect the countless beaches, coastal dunes, parks, wildlife refuge, wineries, European style town, and so on. Along the way, it almost covers all California coastlines, one side is close to Pacific Ocean, another side leans on mountain, and the unique sunny of California, the Pacific coast beautiful scenery, the NO.1road is really worthy to riding with biker lover. Most important of all, Highway 1 itself is a approved “National Scenic Byway” in Big Sur area.

Minnesota States
Minnesota is known as the “North Star State”, it borders on Canada’s Manitoba and Ontario, east of Lake Superior, south of Iowa, west of south and north Dakota states, is a famous lake state where Chippewa and Sioux Indians live at the first. Due to the abundant water resources and unique climate conditions for Minnesota to make it become an excellent outdoor sports destination, especially cycling sports. In some extent, it is due to State specifically for motorbike enthusiasts laid more than 4000 miles riding trail. There are beautiful scenery, bright birds, charming town, sparking lakes and lush pastures along the way.

After knowing these attractive motorcycle riding routes and destinations, do you want to go there with your biker lover to ride a memorable journey? If yes, take action quickly. If you don’t have a biker partner, you can join some biker dating site to meet some one who may become your lover, such as Biker Kiss, Harley Dating Sites, Biker Planet, and so on.

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